Key Category Analysis Hg

The tables below show detailed information on how the key categories for Hg were calculated.


Source Emissions in 2012 (Gg) Proportion Hg
1.A.1.a Public Electricity and Heat Production 0.0065 66.69% 62.69%
2.C.1 Iron and Steel Production 0.0011 10.63% 73.32%
2.A.1 Cement Production 0.0007 6.41% 79.72%
2.B.5.a Other chemical industry 0.0005 4.94% 84.66%
1.A.4.b.i Residential: Stationary plants 0.0004 3.51% 88.17%
1.A.2.f.i Stationary Combustion in Manufacturing Industries and Construction: Other 0.0003 2.74% 90.91%
1.A.1.b Petroleum refining 0.0002 2.35% 93.26%
1.A.3.b.i Road Transport:, Passenger cars 0.0002 2.08% 95.34%


Source Emissions in 1990 (Gg) Emissions in 2012 (Gg) Contribution to trend Hg
1.A.1.a Public Electricity and Heat Production 0.0124 0.0065 32.63% 32.63%
1.A.1.c Manufacture of Solid Fuels and Other Energy Industries 0.0064 0.0002 24.07% 56.70%
1.A.2.f.i Stationary Combustion in Manufacturing Industries and Construction: Other 0.0052 0.0003 19.31% 76.02%
2.B.5.a Other chemical industry 0.0030 0.0005 10.34% 86.36%
2.C.1 Iron and Steel Production 0.0027 0.0011 7.83% 94.19%
1.A.4.b.i Residential: Stationary plants 0.0009 0.0004 2.77% 96.96%
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